07473 622511

Our Facilities



Our kitchen at New Horizons is a versatile and fully equipped space designed to support a variety of culinary activities and promote independence among our service users. The kitchen serves as a central hub for both educational and recreational activities, fostering a sense of community and offering numerous opportunities for skill development and enjoyment.

Features and Amenities

  • Modern Appliances: The kitchen is outfitted with contemporary appliances including a stove, oven, microwave, refrigerator, and dishwasher. These tools are essential for preparing a wide range of meals and snacks, from simple dishes to more complex culinary creations.

  • Accessible Design: The layout of the kitchen is designed with accessibility in mind, ensuring that individuals with varying physical abilities can comfortably and safely use the facilities. Features such as adjustable countertops, easy-to-reach cabinets, and wide entryways make the space inclusive for all users.

  • Ample Workspace: There is plenty of counter space available for meal preparation and cooking activities. This allows multiple participants to work simultaneously, whether they are preparing ingredients, cooking, or cleaning up afterwards.

  • Safety Equipment: The kitchen is equipped with essential safety tools, including fire extinguishers, first-aid kits, and safety cutlery, to ensure a secure environment for all users. Our staff are trained to supervise and assist with the safe use of all kitchen equipment.

  • Teaching Area: A designated area within the kitchen is set up for cooking demonstrations and hands-on training. This space is used for group cooking classes, where service users can learn new recipes and cooking techniques in a supportive and interactive setting.

Benefits for Service Users

  • Skill Development: Using the kitchen facilities helps service users develop a range of skills, including cooking, budgeting, and time management. These are essential for fostering greater independence and self-reliance.

  • Community Building: The kitchen is a place where service users can come together to share experiences, collaborate on projects, and build friendships. It promotes a sense of belonging and community.

  • Personal Enjoyment: Engaging in cooking and food-related activities provides a source of enjoyment and satisfaction. It allows individuals to express their creativity, try new foods, and take pride in their culinary accomplishments.

At New Horizons, our kitchen facilities are more than just a place to prepare meals—they are a vital part of our commitment to providing comprehensive support and fostering a nurturing and inclusive environment.



Our garden at New Horizons is a tranquil and versatile outdoor space designed to support a wide range of activities and provide a calming environment for our service users. The garden is an integral part of our facility, offering a natural setting where individuals can relax, explore, and engage with nature.

Features and Amenities

  • Lush Greenery: The garden is carefully maintained to provide a beautiful and serene landscape. It features a variety of plants, flowers, and shrubs that create a visually pleasing environment and contribute to the overall tranquility of the space.

  • Seating Areas: Throughout the garden, there are numerous seating areas where service users can rest, enjoy the scenery, and socialize. Benches, chairs, and shaded spots are strategically placed to provide comfortable spaces for relaxation and conversation.

  • Raised Planters: To accommodate individuals with varying physical abilities, the garden features raised planters that are easily accessible from a standing or seated position. These planters allow service users to participate in gardening activities without having to bend or kneel, making the experience more inclusive and enjoyable.

  • Sensory Garden: A designated section of the garden is designed as a sensory area, featuring a variety of plants and materials that stimulate the senses. This includes fragrant herbs, colorful flowers, and textured surfaces, which provide a rich sensory experience for service users and help promote relaxation and sensory exploration.

Benefits for Service Users

  • Relaxation and Wellbeing: The garden provides a peaceful retreat where service users can unwind and enjoy the natural surroundings. Spending time in the garden has been shown to reduce stress, improve mood, and enhance overall mental wellbeing.

  • Connection with Nature: The garden offers an opportunity for service users to connect with nature, which can be particularly beneficial for individuals with sensory needs or those seeking a calming environment. Engaging with the natural world can provide a sense of grounding and tranquility.

  • Social Interaction: The garden serves as a communal space where service users can meet, socialize, and build relationships. The seating areas and shared spaces encourage interaction and help foster a sense of community.

  • Physical Activity: The garden encourages gentle physical activity, such as walking, gardening, and participating in outdoor games. These activities are beneficial for physical health and can be adapted to suit different abilities and fitness levels.

  • Educational Opportunities: The garden offers a wealth of educational opportunities, from learning about different plants and wildlife to understanding the principles of gardening and sustainability. These experiences can be enriching and foster a lifelong appreciation for the natural world.

At New Horizons, our garden is more than just an outdoor space; it is a vital part of our commitment to creating a nurturing and inclusive environment where service users can thrive, explore, and enjoy a fulfilling and meaningful connection with nature.



Sensory Room

Our sensory room at New Horizons is a specially designed space that provides a calming and immersive sensory experience for our service users. Equipped with a range of sensory equipment and comfortable furnishings, the sensory room offers a therapeutic environment where individuals can relax, engage their senses, and experience a sense of comfort and tranquility.

Features and Amenities

  • Sofa and Big Armchair: The sensory room is furnished with a comfortable sofa and a large armchair, providing ample seating options for service users to relax and unwind. These soft furnishings create a cozy and inviting atmosphere, allowing individuals to feel at ease and comfortable during their sensory sessions.

  • TV: A television screen is installed in the sensory room, offering visual stimulation and entertainment for service users. The TV can be used to display calming images, nature scenes, or sensory videos, enhancing the overall sensory experience and providing a focal point for relaxation.

  • Bubble Tube: A mesmerizing bubble tube is a central feature of the sensory room, providing visual stimulation and a soothing ambiance. The bubble tube emits a gentle stream of bubbles illuminated by colorful LED lights, creating a calming visual display that captivates the senses and promotes relaxation.

Benefits for Service Users

  • Sensory Stimulation: The sensory room offers a variety of sensory experiences, including visual, auditory, tactile, and proprioceptive stimulation. These sensory inputs can help individuals regulate their sensory processing, reduce anxiety, and promote feelings of calmness and relaxation.

  • Emotional Regulation: For individuals with sensory sensitivities or emotional challenges, the sensory room provides a safe and supportive environment where they can learn to regulate their emotions and self-soothe. The calming atmosphere and sensory inputs can help individuals feel more grounded and in control of their emotions.

  • Stress Reduction: Spending time in the sensory room can help alleviate stress and tension, allowing individuals to unwind and recharge. The soothing sensory experiences promote a sense of tranquility and wellbeing, helping service users feel more relaxed and at ease.

  • Social Interaction: The sensory room can also serve as a space for socialization and interaction among service users. Whether they are enjoying sensory activities together or simply relaxing in the comfortable seating area, the sensory room provides opportunities for bonding and connection with others.

  • Therapeutic Benefits: The sensory room is designed to offer therapeutic benefits for individuals with sensory processing disorders, autism, ADHD, and other neurodevelopmental conditions. The sensory inputs and calming environment can help improve sensory integration, attention, and focus, enhancing overall wellbeing and quality of life.

At New Horizons, our sensory room is a valuable resource that supports the holistic wellbeing of our service users, providing a therapeutic space where individuals can relax, engage their senses, and experience a sense of comfort and calmness.


Chilled Space

Our chilled space at New Horizons is a cozy and welcoming area designed for relaxation, socialization, and leisure activities. Equipped with comfortable furnishings and recreational amenities, the chilled space offers a laid-back atmosphere where service users can unwind, socialize with others, and enjoy a variety of activities.

Features and Amenities

  • Coffee Machine: A coffee machine is available in the chilled space, providing freshly brewed coffee for service users to enjoy. Whether it's a morning pick-me-up or an afternoon treat, the coffee machine offers a convenient and comforting way to relax and indulge in a hot beverage.

  • Dining Table and Chairs: A spacious dining table and chairs are provided in the chilled space, offering a designated area for meals, snacks, and social gatherings. The table provides ample space for service users to enjoy meals together, engage in conversation, or participate in group activities.

  • Fridge: A refrigerator is available in the chilled space, offering storage space for food and beverages. The fridge is stocked with a variety of refreshments and snacks, allowing service users to help themselves and stay hydrated and nourished throughout their time in the chilled space.

  • Board Games: A selection of board games is provided in the chilled space, offering entertainment and opportunities for social interaction. From classic favorites to modern favorites, the board games cater to different interests and preferences, encouraging friendly competition and cooperative play among service users.

Benefits for Service Users

  • Relaxation and Comfort: The chilled space provides a comfortable and inviting environment where service users can relax and unwind. The cozy furnishings, warm ambiance, and laid-back atmosphere create a sense of comfort and homeliness, allowing individuals to feel at ease and at home.

  • Socialization: The chilled space serves as a social hub where service users can come together to socialize, connect with others, and build relationships. Whether it's sharing a meal, playing board games, or enjoying a cup of coffee together, the chilled space offers opportunities for camaraderie and friendship.

  • Recreation and Leisure: The recreational amenities in the chilled space, such as the board games and coffee machine, provide opportunities for leisure and enjoyment. Service users can engage in activities that they find enjoyable and fulfilling, whether it's a friendly game of chess or a relaxing coffee break.

  • Independence: The self-service nature of the chilled space encourages independence among service users. From making a cup of coffee to choosing a board game to play, individuals have the freedom to make choices and take initiative, fostering a sense of autonomy and self-reliance.

  • Stress Relief: Spending time in the chilled space can help alleviate stress and promote mental wellbeing. Whether it's through socializing with others, engaging in recreational activities, or simply enjoying a moment of quiet relaxation, the chilled space provides a space where service users can decompress and recharge.

At New Horizons, our chilled space is a welcoming and inclusive environment that promotes relaxation, socialization, and leisure activities. It is a place where service users can feel comfortable, supported, and valued, fostering a sense of belonging and community.